About GPTZero
GPTZero is the top AI detection tool designed to identify AI-generated text in various documents. It serves educators, writers, and students, promoting academic integrity. With features like advanced scanning and vocabulary tracking, GPTZero empowers users to preserve originality and navigate the evolving landscape of AI technologies effectively.
GPTZero offers multiple pricing tiers: a free plan with basic detection for 10,000 words, an Essential plan for $8.33/month covering 150,000 words, and a Premium plan at $12.99/month with 300,000 words and advanced features. A Professional tier is available for enterprises at $24.99/month for 500,000 words.
GPTZero features an intuitive interface, enabling easy navigation and efficient document checking. The layout supports seamless browsing, while user-friendly options like drag-and-drop text uploads enhance the experience. With a focus on clarity and ease of use, GPTZero helps users access AI detection tools swiftly and effortlessly.
How GPTZero works
Users can start by signing up for GPTZero and then upload their documents or paste text for analysis. The platform scans the content, providing an overall detection score and highlighting sentences with AI-generated probabilities. Through detailed reports, GPTZero interprets results, allowing users to engage in meaningful discussions about AI usage.
Key Features for GPTZero
Advanced AI Scan
The Advanced AI Scan feature of GPTZero provides precise detection of AI-generated content. By implementing the latest research methodologies, this feature enables users to accurately assess the authenticity of text, offering peace of mind and deep insights into writing integrity.
AI Vocabulary Tracker
GPTZero's AI Vocabulary Tracker identifies commonly used AI terms, enabling users to refine their writing style. This feature assists writers and students in developing unique voices by highlighting repetitive language patterns, ultimately promoting authenticity and originality in their work.
Plagiarism Checker
The Plagiarism Checker of GPTZero ensures that written content maintains originality by detecting external sources. This vital feature allows educators and writers to uphold integrity, providing a safeguard against uncredited material and promoting a culture of authentic authorship in educational and professional environments.